The root of the most of the diseases is in mind, as by recent calculation around 75- 80 percent of the diseases originated from the mind, they all called the psychosomatic diseases. The best way of treating and preventing such diseases is Yoga. Treating the diseases through yoga is called as yoga therapy. Present day yoga therapy is becoming one of the main healing methodologies. Its found and proved very effective tool in many physiological and physical disorders.

The main way treating the disease is to treat the cause not the symptoms, this is the basic ideology of Yoga therapy,, So some time it may take more time but it will remove the diseases from its root, and permanently…

Even for the some incurable diseases like, Cancer, aids, yoga gave tremendous results, and it’s proven in lot places that yoga is the best healing for some diseases.
When a person becomes ill, it effects on his emotional, mental health quickly; yoga eliminates this mind disturbances. So getting confidence and making mentally fit is very important to overcome from any type of diseases, tremendously yoga makes this for the practiser.

Yoga harmonises and calm down the disturbances’ at all levels of human physiology and psychology by the simple practise of kriyas, yogasanas with breathing techniques-Pranayama, relaxation and meditation.

The Diseases like hypertension, diabetes cannot be completely curable by modern medicine, if one started taking tablet for hypertension; its dosage will be doubled next year, it gives only temporary remedy, where as if a hypertensive starts following yoga he can be fit with in six months without any medicine. Like this from lot of diseases one can completely overcome through yoga.

The main difference between yoga therapy and general yoga class, in yoga therapy, the yoga postures, breathing exercises will be giving to the patient such a way that which will be concentrated to remove his problems. The individual concentration will be given for a patient in therapeutic class. When a person becomes disease free, he can join the general class.
If one observe care fully he can feel the changes in physical and mental with in a weak of yoga practise.
The real challenge for a yoga teacher is make a sick person to healthy, not to make a flexible person more flexible…The some diseases which are more easily curable through yoga are , hypertension, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, insomnia, depression, back pain, asthma ,migraine, sinusitis, nervous problems, obesity, menstrual disorders, heart problems, hyper acidity etc..

The present generation became physically less active. So by this the internal organs get affected and their efficiency became less. Yoga asana practises give nice massage and stretching to the all-internal and external organs of the body makes them efficient. The breathing exercises and the meditation gives the stable mind for the followers and it will also lead to proper and normal secretion of hormones. .So in general the regular practise of yoga makes whole body and mind active, so it’s very effective in curing and preventing the diseases. If most people get this awareness and starts to follow yoga then there is no doubt on the formation of peaceful and healthy world.

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